About Me

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this is my blog . here's i tell you a story about my crazy beautiful life.....

today is....

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About Me

Full Name : Devina Puteri Azzahra
Nick Name : Devina , Puteri , Uti , Depdep,dep,even some of my elementary friends called me dolphin lmao-serterah kalian deh ya.-.
Born : January 25th 2000, Jakarta
Hobby : surfing the internet , kepo-ing someone , stalking 
School : 75 Junior High School West Jakarta Pride and Happiness
My Favorites
 Food :  Pizza
 Drink : mineral water-cant live without this-
 Movie: i have way too many favorite movies tbh
 Music : it changes a lot
i'm an aqua girl ^^~

ini terlihat mendingan  karena efek ya guys
jangan tertipu muslihat/? .-.wkwk

di blog ini devina bakal cerita ke kalian tentang perjalanan hidupnya dan kasih tips-tips buat para apple user/smartphone user untuk edit foto 

well you know how it feels when you don't even know how to describe yourself

i guess that's all 

you can see all my social media buttons on the left sidebar kayyyy kayy ;)

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